Fri. May 17th, 2024
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Based on a website review of leading providers influencing the electronic discovery arena, the following list provides a quick, non-all inclusive reference of eDiscovery and eDiscovery-related (fron business intelligence to social media archiving) vendors who have ventured into the “Twittersphere” and have a company specific Twitter feed.

Updated – 4/29/2013

  2. Acaveo @Acaveoinc
  3. AccessData ‏ @AccessDataGroup
  4. Actiance, Inc ‏ @Actiance 
  5. Aderant @Aderant
  6. Advanced Discovery ‏ @AdvDiscovery 
  7. AINS @AINS_Solutions
  8. Aleph Archives @Aleph_Archives
  9. Altep, Inc. ‏ @Altep_Inc 
  10. Altlaw @AltlawUK
  11. Applied Discovery @DiscoverApplied
  12. Apura ‏ @Apura_Oficial 
  13. ArcMail Technology @ArcMail
  14. Arkovi @RegEdArkovi
  15. ASG Software @ASGSoftware
  16. Aspera @asperasoft
  17. Atempo @Atempo
  18. Attivio @Attivio
  19. Avansic @Avansic
  20. Barrister Digital Solutions @BarristerDS
  21. BIA, Inc. ‏ @BIA_eDiscovery 
  22. BlackBag Technologies @BlackBagTech
  23. BlackStone Discovery ‏ @BlackStoneInfo 
  24. BlueStar @BlueStarCS
  25. Booz Allen Hamilton ‏ @BoozAllen
  26. Bridge City Legal ‏ @bridgecitylegal
  27. Bridgeway Software ‏ @BridgewaySoft
  28. Brightson ‏ @BrightsonReview
  29. C2C @c2csystems
  30. CA Technologies ‏ @CAinc
  31. Campbell Solutions ‏ @campbellsol
  32. Catalyst ‏ @CatalystSecure
  33. Cataphora ‏ @Cataphora
  34. Catelas  @CatelasInc
  35. Cernam @CernamOE 
  36. Cicayda @Cicayda
  37. Clearwell ‏ @clearwell
  38. CloudNine Discovery ‏ @Cloud9Discovery 
  39. Concept Searching @ConceptSearch
  40. Consilio @ConsilioGlobal
  41. Control Risks @Control_Risks
  42. Content Analyst @Content_Analyst
  43. Commonwealth Legal ‏ @CL_Legal
  44. CommVault ‏ @CommVault
  45. Compiled Services ‏ @CompiledSrvcs
  46. Complete Discovery Source @CDSLegal
  47. CPA Global @CPAGlobal
  48. cP-DocRev @codemantra
  49. Crimson Hexagon@crimsonhexagon
  50. Cryoserver ‏ @Cryoserver
  51. Cumulus Data Inc @CumulusDataInc
  52. CY4OR ‏ @CY4OR
  53. D4 ‏ @D4discovery
  54. Daegis ‏ @Daegis
  55. Deloitte FSI ‏ @DeloitteFinSvcs
  56. Digital Reasoning @dreasoning
  57. Digital Reef ‏ @DigitalReef
  58. DiscoverReady ‏ @DiscoverReady
  59. DocAuto @DocAuto
  60. DocumentReviewJobs ‏ @PeakDiscovery 
  61. DriveSavers, Inc. @DriveSavers
  62. DSicovery @DSicovery
  63. DT Search @DTsearchUK
  64. e3 @e3_eDiscovery
  65. eClaris Inc. ‏ @eClaris
  66. eDynamics @eDynamicsLLC
  67. International ‏ @elawINTL
  68. Elijah, Ltd. @ElijahLtd
  69. Elevate Services @ElevateServices
  70. eLit ‏ @elitinc
  71. e-Logic Group @eLogicGroup
  72. elumicor ‏ @elumicor
  73. eMag Solutions, LLC ‏ @eMagSol
  74. EMC Kazeon ‏ @Kazeon 
  75. Empire Discovery @EmpireDiscovery
  76. Epiq Systems ‏ @EpiqSystems 
  77. EPYX Forensics @EPYX_Forensics
  78. Equivio ‏ @Equivio
  79. Erado @Erado
  80. e-Stet @eStet_Tweets
  81. eTERA Consulting @eTERAConsulting
  82. EVault ‏ @EVault
  83. Evolve Discovery ‏ @EvolveDiscovery 
  84. Exact Legal Review @ExactLegal
  85. Excelerate Discovery ‏ @XLR8Discovery
  86. Exterro Inc. ‏ @Exterro 
  87. EY Discovery ‏ @Discovery_OZ
  88. Falcon Discovery @FalconDiscovery
  89. FTI Technology ‏ @FTITech
  90. Geon Legal Solutions @GEONLegalLtd
  91. GGO – Digital WarRoom ‏ @DigitalWarRoom
  92. Global EDD Group @GlobalEDDGroup
  93. GlobalLegalDiscovery ‏ @GlobalLegalDisc
  94. Global Relay @GlobalRelay
  95. Guidance Software ‏ @EnCase
  97. H5 Technologies @h5technologies
  98. Hanzo Archives ‏ @hanzoman
  99. Haystack Information Discovery @HaystackID
  100. HP Autonomy @HPAutonomy
  101. Hewlett-Packard Co. ‏ @HPCorp
  102. Hobs Legal Docs ‏ @HobsLegalDocs
  103. Hot Neuron LLC ‏ @Clustify
  104. HP @HPCorp
  105. Hudson Legal ‏ @HudsonLegal 
  106. Huron Legal @HuronLegal
  107. Hyland Software @HylandSoftware
  109. iBridge @iBridgeLLC
  110. iCONECT Development ‏ @iCONECT
  111. iDiscover Global ‏ @idiscoverglobal
  112. iDiscovery Solutions ‏ @iDiscoveryInc
  113. IKANOW @ikanowdata
  114. ILS Team @ilsteam
  115. Index Engines ‏ @IndexEngines
  116. Inference Data ‏ @InferenceData
  117. Infocentrix ‏ @Infocentrix
  118. Informative Graphics ‏ @IGCsoftware
  119. Integreon ‏ @Integreon
  120. Integro @Integro
  121. Integrity Legal ‏ @IntegrityLegal1
  122. InterLegis ‏ @InterLegis
  123. International Litigation Services, Inc. @ilsTeam
  124. Intradyn @Intradyn1
  125. IntraLinks @IntraLinks
  126. IPRO ‏ @IPROTECH 
  127. Iris Data Services @irisdataservice
  128. Iron Mountain @IronMountain
  129. ISYS ‏ @isyssearch
  130. IT-Discovery ‏ @ITDiscovery
  131. Iterasi @iterasi
  132. Jatheon Technologies @Jatheon
  133. Ji2, Inc. ‏ @Ji2eDiscovery
  134. JurInnov ‏ @JurInnov
  135. kCura ‏ @kCuraCorp 
  136. Kiersted Systems @kierstedsystems
  137. KPMG US ‏ @KPMG
  138. Kroll Ontrack ‏ @KrollOntrack
  139. Legal Hold Pro ‏ @legalholdpro
  140. LexisNexis ‏ @LexisNexis 
  141. Litera Corp @LiteraCorp
  142. LLM, Inc. ‏ @LLMinc 
  143. LuciData @LuciDataInc
  144. Meridian Discovery @Meridian
  145. Merrill Connect @MerrillConnect
  146. Merrill Corporation (EDD) ‏ @MerrillEDD
  147. MessageSolution, Inc ‏ @GlobalArchiving
  148. Messaging Architects @MPlusNews
  149. Metalogix @metalogix
  150. Millnet @Millnet
  151. Mimecast ‏ @mimecast
  152. Mindseye @Mindseye_TV
  153. Mountain States Imaging @MTNStates
  154. Navigant Insight ‏ @NavigantInsight
  155. NeedleFinder ‏ @NeedleFinder 
  156. Nexidia @Nexidia
  157. Nextpoint ‏ @Nextpoint
  158. NightOwl Discovery @NightOwldms
  159. Nuix ‏ @nuix
  160. Oce North America ‏ @OceNorthAmerica
  161. OpenText ‏ @OpenText
  162. Orange Legal Technologies ‏ @OrangeLT
  163. OrcaTec LLC ‏ @orcatec
  164. PageFreezer ‏ @PageFreezer 
  165. Pangea3 @Pangea3
  166. Passware Inc. @Passware
  167. Patrina @PatrinaCorp
  168. Peak Discovery @PeaDiscovery
  169. Peitia Data @PeritiaData
  170. Pitney Bowes ‏ @PitneyBowes
  171. Planet Data ‏ @Planet_Data 
  172. PowerSearch @PowerSearch4U
  173. Proofpoint, Inc. ‏ @Proofpoint_Inc
  174. Protiviti ‏ @Protiviti 
  175. PSS Systems (IBM) ‏ @PSS_Systems
  176. PureDiscovery @PureDiscovery
  177. PwC LLP ‏ @PwC_LLP 
  178. Quantum Discovery @QeDiscovery
  179. Quest (Dell) @Quest
  180. RDC Analytics @RDCAnalytics
  181. Recommind ‏ @Recommind 
  182. Reed Archives @ReedArchives
  183. RegEd @RegEd
  184. RenewData ‏ @RenewData
  185. Reveal ‏ @RevealData
  186. Ricoh Legal ‏ @RicohLegal
  187. RiverGlass, Inc. ‏ @riverglassinc
  188. RSD InfoGov ‏ @RSDig
  189. RVM Inc. @RVM_Inc
  190. SALIX DATA ‏ @SalixData
  191. Salt Lake Legal ‏ @SaltLakeLegal
  192. Sarnoff Discovery @SarnoffDiscover
  193. SearchBlox ‏ @searchblox 
  194. Sensei Enterprises ‏ @SenseiEnt
  195. Seringeti Law @SeringetiLaw
  196. Servient ‏ @Servient
  197. Sfile ‏ @SfileTechnology 
  198. SFL Data @SFLData
  199. Sherpa Software ‏ @SherpaSoftware 
  200. SilverDane ‏ @SilverDane
  201. SimpleEDD @SimpleEDD
  202. Smarsh @SmarshInc
  203. SocialSafe @SocialSafe
  204. Socialware @Socialware
  205. Sonasoft @Sonasoft
  206. Sonian @Sonian
  207. SpearTip @SpearTipLLC
  208. StoredIQ ‏ @Stored_IQ 
  209. Stroz Friedberg @StrozFriedberg
  210. Studeo Legal @support4lit
  211. Symantec eDiscovery ‏ @SYMCeDiscovery 
  212. Syngence Software @Syngence
  213. TERIS ‏ @DiscoverTERIS
  214. TikitTFB ‏ @TikitTFB 
  215. Topiary eDiscovery @TopiaryDisc
  216. TotalDiscovery ‏ @TotalDiscovery
  217. Tower Legal @TowerLegal
  218. TrustPoint Intl ‏ @TrustPointIntl
  219. Tweet Archivist @tweetarchivist
  220. UBIC North America @ubicna
  221. UnitedLex ‏ @UnitedLex
  222. Valora Technologies ‏ @valoratech
  223. VeDiscovery @VeDiscovery
  224. Venio Systems ‏ @veniosystems 
  225. Vound, LLC ‏ @VoundSoftware
  226. Wave Software ‏ @WaveSoftware 
  227. World Software Corporation @Worldox
  228. Workshare ‏ @Workshare
  229. X1 Discovery ‏ @X1Discovery
  230. XeroxLitigationSvcs ‏ @Xerox_XLS 
  231. Zetta Discovery @ZettaDiscovery
  232. Zetta Online Backup @Zettanet
  233. ZL Technologies ‏ @zltechnologies
  234. ZyLAB ‏ @zylab
  235. ZyLab UK @zylab_uk

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ComplexDiscovery OÜ is a highly recognized digital publication focused on providing detailed insights into the fields of cybersecurity, information governance, and eDiscovery. Based in Estonia, a hub for digital innovation, ComplexDiscovery OÜ upholds rigorous standards in journalistic integrity, delivering nuanced analyses of global trends, technology advancements, and the eDiscovery sector. The publication expertly connects intricate legal technology issues with the broader narrative of international business and current events, offering its readership invaluable insights for informed decision-making.

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